Structured Day Planner

Structured Day Planner

Split your day into small tasks and get a visual timeline of your day

Available on iOS, macOS and Android

App mockup
App mockup

Bring structure into your day

Structured combines your calendars and tasks into a visual timeline

Structured combines your calendars and tasks into a visual timeline

Structured combines your calendars and tasks into a visual timeline

Create tasks

Change colours

Import calendars

Get notified

Create tasks

Change colours

Import calendars

Get notified

Create tasks

Change colours

Import calendars

Get notified

Stay on track on all devices

Stay on track on all devices

Stay on track on all devices

All your tasks are automatically synced across all your devices via iCloud - no sign-up required

All your tasks are automatically synced across all your devices via iCloud - no sign-up required

All your tasks are automatically synced across all your devices via iCloud - no sign-up required

Join over 200k happy planners

“As a uni student with autism this app is literally a godsend”

— Olivia on Apple App Store

“As a uni student with autism this app is literally a godsend”

— Olivia on Apple App Store

“As a uni student with autism this app is literally a godsend”

— Olivia on Apple App Store

Plan better and faster

You can use Structured for free, forever! Some advanced features require an upgrade to Structured Pro

Customize alerts to your needs

Import calendar events from Google & more

Sync Apple Reminders into your inbox

Plan recurring tasks (daily, weekly & monthly)

Use 550+ icons for your tasks

Get started today

Try Structured now and take back

control of your day

Try Structured now and take back control of your day

Download for free

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